Services / Facials
Enlighten depigmentation peel is a safe and effective medium depth peel with a mix of TCA, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Phenol, and Crotone Oil. Revepeel is often described by patients as an effective but comfortable peel. This peel can be used as a treatment for hyperpigmentation, aging, melasma, pores, and acne, and it is safe for all skin types and colors.
The IMAGE Skincare I PEEL Perfection Lift is a peel for people serious about making a difference in their skin. 60% blend of Lactic, Salicylic, Retinol and Resorcinol Acids exfoliates, eliminates excess oil and produces anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. It helps improve a variety of skin conditions, including hyper-pigmentation and acne scars. It also helps reduce deep lines and signs of aging by peeling off the external dead layer of skin.
Revepeel is a safe and effective medium depth peel with a mix of TCA, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Phenol, and Crotone Oil. Revepeel is often described by patients as an effective but comfortable peel. This peel can be used as a treatment for hyperpigmentation, aging, melasma, pores, and acne, and it is safe for all skin types and colors.